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"El meu pare" és un foto llibre on es tracta el tema de la identitat a través del retrat, cercant constantment la manera de descriure’l adequadament a través de les fotografies, tant a les que hi apareix ell com a les que l’acompanyen.


S'han utilitzat tant fotografies actuals com flaixbacs, fotos d’ell de petit i de jove. Per a les fotografies actuals s'ha utilitzat com a escenari casa nostra, tant l’interior com l’exterior, per així poder descriure’l tant a través de retrats com a través de fotografies perifèriques que el descriuen de manera indirecta.


Moltes de les imatges que composen el llibre s’acompanyen de text, format per lletres de poemes o la gran majoria lletres de cançons. S’han triat aquelles lletres que fossin més adients i encaixessin millor amb el to de les fotografies i el relat del llibre i que, a banda, fossin especials per ell i en algun cas pels dos. Totes són escrites per ell a llapis ja que és una manera de conèixer encara més al protagonista i sentir-lo més proper, per això no s’utilitza cap tipografia en tot el llibre, únicament la manuscrita.

"My Father" is a photo book about identity through portraiture. Constantly looking for ways to describe him properly through the photographs.

To know and to introduce the character, both current photographs and flashbacks are used, photos of him as a child and as a young man, which help to get to know the character more intimately as he is shown in different stages of life. 


The general concept of the book is to describe the character within its habitat, the pictures have been taken in our house, indoors and outdoors to describe him with portraits and through peripheral photographs too, that describe him indirectly.


Many of the images in the book are accompanied by text, by poem lyrics or the vast majority song lyrics. Those lyrics have been chosen to fit the photographs and the story of the book and that they were special for him and in some cases for both of us. All the lyrics are handwritten by him as it is a way to get to know him even better and to feel closer to him, so no other typography is used throughout the book but his.



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